Featured Artist - Studio Todd


STUDIO TODD (Sarah Todd)

Co-Owner of ASOBI Store

How would you describe your practice?

I studied Graphic Design at University. But I do not see myself as a Graphic Designer. I would say I'm more of a maker. My mum and dad were both makers in their spare time Dad used to make remote controlled boats out of scraps of wood. Mum used to make curtains for the caravans. I guess I just have a go at most things and hope for the best :) 
The People Factory is the main thing I'm known for. I also work with textiles, and produce stationery. 

Do you have some of your artwork examples you could share with us?

Here are some of my Products available to buy on ASOBI. 



What/ who are your artistic inspirations?

Some of my favourite artists/designers...
Ellsworth Kelly, Alexander Calder, Karel Martens, Nathalie Du Pasquier

Do you have any interests outside of art and design?

I love plants and visiting National Trust/English Heritage Gardens + Castles. 

You co-own the Asobi shop, do you have a top 5 products in the shop?

1. Gigantic ASOBI Tote
2. Apartamento Magazine
3. O Céu - GUR RUG
4. Vase Ensemble Set of 7
5. Wooden Desktop Calendar

What do you have planned for the next year?

I would really love to have a bit more time to experiment with clay. Do more fine art pieces and Sculptures. Carry on with everything I'm producing right now. 

Sarah's Website : www.studiotodd.co.uk




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